Delph Road, Denshaw, Oldham, OL3 5RY

01457 874554

Christ Church C.E Primary School

Denshaw, Saddleworth


SIAMS Inspection Report 2019 (click here)

Since our last inspection in 2014,  the inspection criteria has been updated and changed. The new criteria is rigorous, challenging and now more in line with the Ofsted system of grading schools.

The National Church of England Education Office is promoting that the aim of all church schools is to be a ‘Good’ church school where “the schools distinctive Christian vision, established and promoted by leadership at all levels” enables pupils and adults to flourish.

We are proud of our whole school community and we will as always be striving to be the best church school we can be and we feel that this has  been recognised by the inspector.

Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools

National Society Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools Report

Christ Church CE Primary School
Delph Road,

Diocese: Manchester

Local Authority Oldham

Dates of inspection 19th and 20th March, 2009

Dates of last inspection 17th and 19th May, 2005

School’s unique reference number 105693

Head teacher Mrs. Susan Callaghan

Inspector’s name Mrs. Brenda McGregor

School context

Christ Church is a voluntary controlled Church of England school. It is situated in a small village in the Saddleworth area. There are 45 pupils on roll. Pupils come from a range of socio-economic backgrounds. The percentage of ethnic minority pupils is lower than average. There has been a change of Head teacher since the last inspection.


The distinctiveness and effectiveness of Christ Church, Denshaw as a Church of England school are good

Strong leadership has moved the school to significantly improve its Christian character. The school ethos is welcoming with well behaved and caring children who have good staff as role models, who in turn feel valued. The Mission Statement states clearly the Christian values envisaged and which permeate the school.


Established strengths

  • the strong Christian character of the school;
  • that every child is valued;
  • good and caring behaviour of the children;
  • co-operative and good relationships of all stakeholders.


Focus for development

  • in depth evaluation of the impact of collective worship;
  • training for collective worship;
  • extension of visits to include places of worship in addition to churches.


The school, through its distinctive Christian character, is good at meeting the needs of all learners

Each child is seen as special and valuable. The ethos conveys the Christian values which have enabled them to flourish individually. The mission statement embodies these values and is included in the school prospectus and on display around the school. This is a very welcoming and safe school, where the children display good behaviour. They are well supported by parents of all faiths, the Church, governors and the wider community. Children have a good standard of spiritual and moral development. These are promoted well by the school environment, for example, there is a special prayer garden. Their social and cultural developments are also good through such activities as performing at Christmas for the local community, links developed with a Spanish school and raising money for charities. The children behave responsibly, partly as a result of serving on the school council and as school buddies. Christian values are revisited in collective worship, Religious Education, cross curricular approaches to learning and in various good displays, artefacts and symbols in the Entrance Hall and each teaching area. They are demonstrated strongly in the relationships between staff and learners. The academic needs of all children are met through effective differentiation and teachers’ good subject knowledge reinforces learning along with extra curricular activities. Pupils make good progress in Religious Education; they understand Christianity and other religions well and participate and respond well to their work. The subject makes a major contribution to their spiritual and moral development, for example, through their studies of Lent and Mothering Sunday.


The impact of collective worship on the school community is good

Collective worship is important in the life of the school. It enhances the high quality of spiritual and moral development, with the children writing and reading their own prayers. The collective worship develops children’s understanding of Christianity very well by including crosses, candles, music and stories from the Bible. They know the Lord’s Prayer, the Grace and spend time reflecting. The children take part in the Whit Friday walk and other major festivals in Church and the vicar provides confirmation classes during lunchtime for any Yr.6 children wishing to be confirmed. Consequently the children have a good understanding of their school as an Anglican school. They also celebrate other faiths and support the spiritual development of all. For example, the Muslim children now all attend collective worship and during silent prayer say their own prayers. Children are keen participants and enjoy celebrating their achievements every Friday in Christ Church, supported by parents, governors and the local community. There is a good collective worship policy and, although worship is included in the school development plan, its impact is not formally evaluated.


The effectiveness of the leadership and management of the school as a church school is outstanding

The head’s influence is visible in every Christian aspect of the school. The aim is a distinctive Christian vision in which, as the mission statement says, each child is valued as an individual. This is evident in the excellent school ethos. The children requested to be included in planning the Christian ethos and they are now part of this along with the head, Vicar, staff and governors. The school is a happy school and has an open-door policy for parents, which they appreciate. Parents, who come from a wide area, are supportive and attend collective worship and celebrations when they can. One Muslim parent has come into school and shared her knowledge of Islam and its celebrations with the children. Religious education has an important role in school in both promoting the Christian character of the school and exploring other faiths. It is included in the school development plan with a budget allocation for training. Its importance is evident because both RE and collective worship are co-ordinated by the Headteacher. Support from the Church is very strong, for example, the vicar is much involved in the planning and life of the school. The governors have strong links with the school and are very supportive in promoting the Christian character, of which they have an excellent understanding; some governors have formed a Values and Beliefs sub-committee and attended Diocesan training. Governors also ensure that the curriculum statutory requirements are matched to ability. The school has good links with other schools and the local community through newsletters and questionnaires and meetings are held with all stakeholders to evaluate the school’s progress. The school has successfully addressed the recommendations in the previous report.


SIAS report March 2009 Christ Church CE primary School, Denshaw, Oldham OL3 5RY